Bord Bia – Performance + Prospects Report


A rich-media document in a practical, flexible format

We helped Bord Bia turn their key annual publication into a dynamic, screen-first document that combines the richness and interactivity of digital media in a print-friendly format.

The report used the advanced rich-media epub format, and was hosted online through Adobe Online Publishing. We were able to expand on the report’s traditional presentation by including video summaries and animation-enhanced information design, ensuring that the report’s content was more accessible than ever.

Going green, on screen.

Going screen-first was a ground-breaking decision that ensured the report was as environmentally friendly as possible (a very significant factor for Bord Bia), while allowing users to download and print sections themselves. It also meant the online document was accessible to the widest-possible audience – crucial in a time when so much of that audience is working from home.

Focus on clarity

While optimising for screen does mean the report covered more pages – type sizes on screen are generally required to be larger than those in print – a navigation bar ensured it was more usable than ever.

While the step forward in terms of production was significant, it was important not to lose sight of the key requirements of the report – the presentation of crucial content in a clear and accessible way. Our design decisions were always made to enhance and clarify the report’s content, and the key messages it was required to convey.

Rich, reusable assets

The suite of high-quality rich media assets we developed for the report were reused across multiple formats; on the Bord Bia website, on social media, and in the CEO’s presentation of the report.