Kellogg’s –
GAA Cúl Camps 2020


Victory from jaws of defeat. Now that’s pretty Cúl. 

Kellogg’s GAA Cúl Camps are Ireland’s biggest children’s summer camp providing boys and girls, between the ages of 6 and 13, with an action-packed and fun-filled week of activity which revolves around maximising enjoyment and sustaining participant involvement in Gaelic Games.  In 2020, the camps were under real threat due to the Covid-19 pandemic sweeping the globe. Kids who had attended, or those who looked forward to attending, were faced with yet another disappointment.  

Working closely with our committed colleagues in Kellogg’s and valued partners in the GAA, we worked tirelessly to save the camps in time for summer. A limited number of camps were announced with an exciting new Kellogg’s GAA Cúl Camps TV programme airing on TG4. Children from across the country were finally permitted to come together and enjoy all the benefits that the camps bring year on year to their physical, social and mental wellbeing all in a safe environment.  

With no time to waste, we immediately began working towards activating the sponsorship in a three phased approach; 

Phase 1:  

The Kellogg’s GAA Cúl Camps on-pack competition was launched, a key touchpoint of the sponsorship. Utilising former Donegal GAA star Kevin Cassidy, who was also a TG4 Kellogg’s Cúl Camps TV show coach, a safe, socially distanced photocall was arranged in Donegal which became a family affair, as it featured Kevin’s own children. It highlighted the on-pack offer while featuring the Cúl Camps kits. The press release announcing the on-pack competition, the TG4 show and the availability of the kits through the Cúl Camps website was seeded with media, both nationally and locally. 

Phase 2:  

Replacing a traditional launch event, we used the first day of the camps to host a media event while also celebrating the landmark milestone of hosting the 1 millionth registered child since Kellogg started the sponsorship and highlighting the safety measures put in place to allow the camps to take place. Dublin GAA stars, Sinead Goldrick and Ciarán Kilkenny were delighted to get involved, and participated in a photo shoot and media interviews, chatting to multiple media outlets including RTE News, Virgin Media News and 2FM. A full schedule of Zoom interviews was held with representatives from all the daily papers in attendance.  

Phase 3:

The draw for the competition winners took place independently with Skyrne GFC, Rathnew GAA and Newmarket on Fergus GAA club claiming €25k, €10k and €5k respectively. Photographers were booked to visit all three winning clubs, capturing the magic moment when Skryne GFC discovered that they had won the top prize. Legendary Meath footballer and a member of Skryne GFC, Trevor Giles attended the presentation, where he posed for photography with his son and participated in an exclusive interview with the Irish Independent.

The campaign delivered unprecedented press coverage, with over 100 hits across print, broadcast and online.