RAAP rebrand and website
A “groovy” rebrand for a music industry stalwart
Recorded Artists Actors Performers is an not-for-profit organisation set up to ensure that musicians receive the performance royalties that are due to them. Their existing website wasn’t representing all their good work on behalf of musicians and performers in Ireland, which is where we came in.
What started as simple website improvement project evolved into a fully realised rebrand – complete with new logo, fresh website, and brand guidelines. Together these do a fantastic job of symbolising what RAAP is about: a modern organisation run by musicians, for musicians.
Bringing it together
The logo takes inspiration from the grooves and concentric circles of vinyl records, creating a modern and sleek logo that looks great scaled up or down. It also lends itself to being applied as a wider visual language of pattern of lines and circles for other branding applications.
Paired with a restrained palette, we have a combination of elements that make a recipe for striking graphics, appropriate for both bold promotional material and serious legal documents.