Tesco Summer Showcase


To showcase Tesco’s Summer Range, we created a broadcast-quality show and interactive experience for Ireland’s most influential media

This summer, it was all about the outdoors, so to our delight, Tesco came to us to help launch its extensive summer ranges of food, F&F fashion and homewares.

While indoor events weren’t quite on the table, we put our heads together and conceptualised a stylish summer showcase event that we knew would not fail to put our guests in the ultimate summer mood.

Thinking big, with a unique summer-themed 3-set studio

We approached our friends in Opium and totally transformed their outdoor space, the Botanical Garden, into an all-purpose TV set, complete with three separate set ups for Fashion, Homewares and a live BBQ demonstration.

Event packs delivered to our influential audience let them touch, feel, and taste the showcased products

An event for Ireland’s top tier print, broadcast and online media needed to be much more than a ‘watch + listen’ moment; we needed to create a truly interactive experience for our guests. In order to do this, we personally delivered plentiful event packs direct to their doorstep on the day of the event. We wanted our influential guests to be able to touch, feel, and taste the products as they were guided through each segment of the show.

Top tier talent – on fire

To keep everyone engaged and engrossed we collaborated with Ireland’s favourite home cooking expert and grill master, Guy Sinnott and top fashion stylist Courtney Smith to host the online event.

We showcased highlights from the award-winning Tesco Fire Pit and Tesco Finest ranges, through a live BBQ demo, during which Guy shared his BBQ top tips for easy summer grilling. He was joined by Senior Tesco Buyer, Micheál Donohue who was able to speak more broadly and land key messages about each of the ranges.  

It was then over to Courtney to showcase her favourites from the Tesco Homewares range that would help transform any outdoor space to become the perfect set up for al fresco dining. Courtney also curated a stylish selection of the hottest looks from Tesco F&F range, including her top picks from menswear and kids wear too. Much like the BBQ itself, the results were on fire!

Hot off the press

During the event, over 100 posts on social media, with an overall reach of 1.1 million! A total of 58 top tier journalists & influencers in attendance and the feedback was, well, just incredible.

After the event, and with media still buzzing, we achieved a campaign reach of over 8 million opportunities to see across print, online, broadcast and social.

The Tesco Ireland FirePit summer range continues to grow its presence year and year, showcases like these helps the Tesco brand to its position as the go to BBQ range for Tesco customers.

“Super event. Someone give Guy a TV show.”

– Mark Kavanagh, Irish Star

“Thanks folks, that definitely put me in the summer mood.”

Leslie Ann Horgan, Sunday Independent

“Lovely showcase! I know the food looked fab but the table was just gorgeous too!”

– Yolanda Zaw, RTE.ie