Edition 175

This week, fridges get a glow up, Lush is the epitome of quietly thriving, Nike paints a picture of a sore winner and a deodorant diss track is going viral. 

Fridgescaping: A Mindful Approach to What’s Inside

Image Source: @lynziliving/Instagram

Hold onto your butter dish—fridgescaping is now officially a thing. Gone are the days of haphazardly tossing groceries into the fridge and hoping for the best. It’s about turning that cold box into a perfectly curated Instagram masterpiece. We’re talking artfully arranged condiments, picture-perfect produce, and the occasional flower vase nestled between your milk and orange juice. Yes, it’s real, and yes, it’s as extra as it sounds.

But what’s the real story behind fridgescaping? It turns out, it’s not just about making your fridge look like it belongs in a design magazine—it’s also a sneaky way to be more mindful about what’s inside. Organising your fridge like a pro means no more forgotten leftovers lurking in the back, and you might actually start using everything you buy. Talk about food for thought…

Kelly Allison, a Fridgscaper and wellness guru, recently described the trend as “a small but powerful way to bring order into our day-to-day lives, which can contribute to overall mental wellness.”  So, if you’re ready to give your fridge the glow-up it never knew it needed, grab those mason jars and start alphabetising your condiments. Just remember, if you start giving your pickles names, it might be time to step away from the fridge.


Image: Lush

Talk about putting the shush in Lush. The brand that causes migraines if you linger too long outside its stores made waves three years ago when they removed their social media channels and took a step back from digital.

In an industry obsessed with making noise, ‘being part of the conversation’, and hopping on the latest trends, Lush decided to do things differently, choosing to focus on what really matters – their products, their people, and their principles. And now they are moisturised, muted and managing well.

Fast forward to Q3 2024, and their numbers tell a story of success. User-generated content on social related to Lush is up by 1037%, proving that true brand loyalty can come in many forms.

It’s an example of how a brand can thrive by letting their values lead the conversation – something that resonates with audiences, especially Gen Z.

It’s a bold move, but one that highlights the evolving nature of brand engagement – sometimes the most powerful statement to make is none at all.

Nike Cheers Sore Winners

Image: Nike

Nike’s latest ad brilliantly captures the literal pain of chasing success. Through a series of cinematic clips, it shows ordinary people struggling to do ordinary things, such as walk down stairs, or sit in a chair. The ad’s message clicks into place when a voice on the radio shouts out the runners of the previous day’s Boston Marathon, tying everything together.

What makes the ad stand out is its subtlety. Everyone is dressed in regular clothes, yet the Nike shoes are clearly visible, loud and proud on their feet.

Although the characters appear to be in serious pain, we can see that it’s these raw, real moments that make their achievement all the more meaningful. Nike reminds us that success isn’t a straight line, and every step counts, even when it hurts. It’s a tribute to resilience and a celebration of the grit that keeps people moving forward, no matter how tough the journey gets.

The campaign’s tagline is “Winning doesn’t always feel like winning.” And don’t we all know it?


Image: Old Spice

Fresh off the heels of beefs like Kendrick vs. Drake, Old Spice has decided to enter the diss track arena. Their target? Generic deodorants. Teaming up with grime legend Chip, they’ve dropped Big Man Ting – a no-holds-barred track with lines like, “What’s that whiff? Smelt you approaching.” It’s a lyrical takedown of every ‘likkle man’ still wearing those tired old-school scents, marking Old Spice as the new go-to for guys ready to level up their freshness.

In true Old Spice fashion, this campaign is smartly ridiculous, with Chip delivering his bars from a bright red boat, because why not? This isn’t just a campaign – it’s a cultural moment, with Old Spice embracing grime to help British lads stand out and smell their age. Smelling Good Never Sounded This Hard.

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