In this week’s Our Take, we check out a satellite that is bringing us bad news now so we can have a better future. The New York Times knows what you’re like on a Zoom call. Cost of living and sustainability collide as some generations struggle with the cost of green living, and Getty hopes to change our views on footy fans!
Ground control to Tempo Tom

Could satellites help us tackle the climate emergency? NASA thinks so.
This week, NASA published a collection of images featuring data from Tempo, a satellite that launched earlier this year. Tempo’s mission is to orbit the planet measuring pollution levels in our atmosphere.
The technology allows Tempo to analyse our atmosphere at a huge scale and with an accuracy that has not been possible until now. The results? As you can imagine, it’s fairly grim. The published images feature a heap of poisonous nitrogen dioxide in our atmosphere. While the results of the data are worrying, the tech is a game-changer for observing our atmosphere and identifying where we’re doing the most damage, creating an opportunity for the leaders of the world to cop the f**k on and do something about it.
You’re so vain…

…you probably think this zoom call’s about you.
On an Zoom call with the New York Times, author Dan White Jr was asked to switch his camera off. Why? The Times has research that shows ‘when you’re looking at yourself you’re more prone to performance than authenticity’.
We haven’t seen this research – NYT haven’t published it (as far as we can tell from 3 minutes of googling) – but you don’t really need to see it, do you? This rings true, and you know it. So maybe next time you’re on a call, fix your hair, show your best side, and then select Hide Self View (Zoom) or Hide Me (Teams). This way your colleagues and clients will get the very best, most authentic, most beautiful you.
Because you’re not vain, you’re awesome.
Spare (Climate) Change

Looks like the price tag for saving our planet is going up and up, and it’s not coming down anytime soon.
A recent survey of 2,000 Gen Zers and Millennials has revealed that 96% of younger consumers are struggling to make sustainable choices because of the ever-rising cost of living. This comes as no surprise, with research over the last few months showing that more people are looking to save a penny even if it means more damage to the environment.
What is interesting though is the new insights on how young people are thinking when it comes to brands and climate action. The survey found that nearly two thirds of younger consumers feel lost when it comes to finding brands that are actually making a positive impact on our planet, while almost half doubt the claims made by big companies on their sustainable actions. At the end of the day though, we can’t spend any money if the world we live on is burning, so our bets are on sustainability coming out on top in this debate.
Getty in there my son daughter

What immediately comes to mind when you picture a football fan? Is it a woman? A person of colour? More than likely not. And it’s not just you – this bias can be seen when you google anything to do with football. Because, while football includes a true mix of nations, races and genders, there is one space where this diversity is not seen – stock photography.
The Equal View campaign between Getty Images and Sports Direct wants to tackle the SEO algorithm bias of what a footballer (or fan) looks like. Together the project aims to create a free and (most importantly) diverse image bank of grassroot players, fans and coaches from around the world.
Get in there my son daughter.