Edition 122

In this week’s Our Take, football legends swap identities to shed light on gender bias in sports, Tiger Beer has fashioned the next summer essential attire and we check out a modern-day night at the Oper-AI.

Great Scott, plenty of work to be done

Photo credit: Heineken

Former England internationals Gary Neville and Jill Scott teamed up to take part in The Social Swap, a Heineken campaign to highlight gender bias on social media.

The former footballers, with 246 international caps between them, secretly swapped their Twitter/X accounts for five days while sharing their thoughts and opinions on games. The public reactions were sadly, pathetically, predictable.

The project used Arwen, an AI-powered moderation tool, to detect misogynistic comments, and it had plenty to work with! Data showed that Scott’s account received five times more sexist responses than Gary’s when sharing similar points of view.

Serious strides have been made in the game when it comes to gender bias and equality, however it seems we have some way to go off the pitch. We all know that sexist behaviour is a scourge on social but hats off to Heineken for bringing it to our attention in such a powerful way.


Source: Base Design

Many in the creative industry have been apprehensive about AI, seeing it as very real threat, but at least one agency, and their opera-house client, has embraced it in their design approach.

To advertise their new season of Opera,  Belgian opera house La Monnaie, and graphic design agency Base have come together to embrace AI in their visuals. Beginning with a simple summary of the plot – and Opera plots are usually simple – the team used AI to generate powerful, evocative – dare we say operatic – images., Their promotional materials for the season capture imagined scenes from masterpieces such as Wagner’s Ring and Cassandra, using motion design to bring the static images to life with great (and terrifying) results!

Interestingly, the designers made the decision keep in the eerie AI blemishes, adding to the overall creepiness of the animations!  

It’s a great example of how AI, in the hands of the right creative, can make work that sings. (Sorry).


Credit: Tiger Beer

We’ve all been there – it’s suddenly too warm for the winter threads you’re wearing. You look sh*t hot but you’re drowning in sweat.

Your unlikely fashion saviour is here in the form of Tiger beer, who have developed a new fashion item that will make you both look and feel cool. And all through the magic of beer!

This week, the brewer unveiled plans for a summer puffer jacket, designed in by London fashion icon Izzy-Du.

The jacket’s cat-inspired design includes ear detail on the hood, tiger fangs and of course its vibrant orange colour. And there’s a large waterproof pocket the perfect size to hold a can of beer. Makes sense for a beer brand, right?  But it’s the interior where it really gets interesting: when the wearer pockets a can of cold, delicious Tiger Beer, it creates a cooling effect through the whole jacket, via a space-age system of water-filled tubes that are weaved throughout the material.

Set to debut at Paris Fashion Week, fans can try out the new piece at Du’s pop-up store.

Unfortunately, there are currently no plans to mass manufacture the jacket but we had to give both Tiger and Izzy Du a round of a paws for the ingenuity.